Lagotto Romagnolo

A four-legged "Specialty"

Let's get in tune...
Our discovery of the world of truffles and of the Lagotto Romagnolo breed began with the purchase of our first truffle dogs, Kim and Pongo, two white Lagotto.
KIM, who can be defined as the “forefather “, is still an excellent truffle hunting and life companion, and he has the merit of having been with us “the initiator” of this wonderful hobby that later turned into our actual job.
After a year, ATTILA arrives, a white-orange puppy, currently still one of the best in truffle hunting, with whom we have also taken part in national truffle hunting competitions for Lagotto Romagnolo, in gatherings and events aiming at the selection of this splendid breed. Attila won the title of northern regional champion in 2017, achieving good results also in other competitions.
A few months after Attila, a puppy of Lagotto Romagnolo with a white and brown coat arrived in our shelter, BACH J.S. We immediately realized that he had all the typical characteristics of this breed: with Bach, in fact, we raised the morphological and attitudinal level of our selection of dogs. In 2018 Bach won the title of southern regional champion of truffle hunting, later achieving other important results that led him to compete for the Italian Championship of Work and to be well known in the Lagotto Romagnolo environment, becoming one of our best breeders in reproduction.
A few years later, BORIS came to brighten our days, a beautiful, powerful, well structured, tireless, white and brown Lagotto Romagnolo, who, since its young age, never failed to show his abilities as a truffle dog, one of the fundamental pieces of our shelter.
In 2020 MARC arrived, with whom we believe we have reached our highest truffle-hunting standard level. In 2021 he began to compete nationally and in a short time, in 2023, thanks to the conquered results, he was proclaimed Italian champion of E.N.C.I. Currently in our shelter there are other young specimens, such as TYSON, BARONE, ARIO, and BILLI, all very good in truffle hunting like their parents.
In any case, these dogs are not only our truffle hunting companions in the long days spent in the woods, but they are also wonderful life companions at home. We continue, with these Lagotti Romagnoli, to strive for a careful genetic selection, aiming to improve more and more the morphology-work combination.